
Erresira [The Dark]

Jonah, like many little boys, is afraid of the dark. His older brother, Gor, and his baby sister, Arpi, share the bedroom with Jonah. But it's still a scary place at night, what with monsters under beds and on chairs, and who knows what's lurking in the spooky cupboard? But when Gor promises Jonah his favorite toy soldier if he'll just try not to be afraid, Jonah is too excited to sleep. Will the scary dark keep Jonah in his bed? [Joni, si shume djem te vegjel, ka frike nga erresira. Vellai i tij i madh, Gori, dhe motra e vogel, Arpi, flene ne te njejten dhome me Jonin. Por sidoqofte eshte nje vend i frikshem naten, me perbindsha poshte shtratit dhe ne karrike, dhe kushedi cfare po fshihet ne dollap? Por kur Gori i premton Jonit lodren e preferuar: nje ushtar loder, vetem qe te provoje te
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Jonah, like many little boys, is afraid of the dark. His older brother, Gor, and his baby sister, Arpi, share the bedroom with Jonah. But it's still a scary place at night, what with monsters under beds and on chairs, and who knows what's lurking in the spooky cupboard? But when Gor promises Jonah his favorite toy soldier if he'll just try not to be afraid, Jonah is too excited to sleep. Will the scary dark keep Jonah in his bed? [Joni, si shume djem te vegjel, ka frike nga erresira. Vellai i tij i madh, Gori, dhe motra e vogel, Arpi, flene ne te njejten dhome me Jonin. Por sidoqofte eshte nje vend i frikshem naten, me perbindsha poshte shtratit dhe ne karrike, dhe kushedi cfare po fshihet ne dollap? Por kur Gori i premton Jonit lodren e preferuar: nje ushtar loder, vetem qe te provoje te mos kete frike, Jonin nuk e ze gjumi. A do ta mbaje erresira e frikshme Jonin ne shtrat?]
1 Item

Data sheet

Baghdasaryan Rouzanna
Reading Corner
Year Published
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