Brief Content: Forward by Fleet Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. First time coverage on a system-wide basis SLBM systems, anti-ship and and anti-submarine missile weapons, ship-borne air-defense missile and artillery systems and more. There is also detailed examinination of torpedo systems, ASW mines and sea mines, anti-mine weapons. Beyond weapon platforms, there is also coverage of ECM, sonar systems (surface ships , submarines and stationary systems), radio communication equipment, information processing and control systems, antenna feeder and switching devices, and more. The third volume uses the Unified Classifier of Items of Supply for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Brief Content: Forward by Fleet Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. First time coverage on a system-wide basis SLBM systems, anti-ship and and anti-submarine missile weapons, ship-borne air-defense missile and artillery systems and more. There is also detailed examinination of torpedo systems, ASW mines and sea mines, anti-mine weapons. Beyond weapon platforms, there is also coverage of ECM, sonar systems (surface ships , submarines and stationary systems), radio communication equipment, information processing and control systems, antenna feeder and switching devices, and more. The third volume uses the Unified Classifier of Items of Supply for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
3 од.
Oruzhie i tekhnologii
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Brief Content: Forward by Fleet Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. First time coverage on a system-wide basis SLBM systems, anti-ship and and anti-submarine missile weapons, ship-borne air-defense missile and artillery systems and more. There is also detailed examinination of torpedo systems, ASW mines and sea mines, anti-mine weapons. Beyond weapon platforms, there is also coverage of ECM, sonar systems (surface ships , submarines and stationary systems), radio communication equipment, information processing and control systems, antenna feeder and switching devices, and more. The third volume uses the Unified Classifier of Items of Supply for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.